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Design the Extraction Process:   projecting into the future

At Casalvento electronics, chemistry and CAD have been used to develop efficient and non-polluting extraction systems. The plants have been designed with the use of special CAD software and industrial chemical fitting to obtain the best quality of the extracts.

Specific sensors based on optoelectronic technologies, piezoelectric and magnetostrictive are connected to PLC control-core to handle each process step of steam and solvent distillation.

We are passionate about producing extracts and distillates and we have applied engineering process to our production chain to ensure the minimum environmental impact in an area where energy consumption is of great value.

The temperatures control, pressures and flows at all extraction stages are essential to obtain higher quality extracts at sustainable costs.

New materials, suitably chosen and assembled according to a new processing method were also the 3rd Millennium protagonists of the alchemy.

Casalvento’s distillation workshop is a real jewel of green technology capable of delivering high quality products at competitive prices while respecting the environment.

The cost of the products is competitive: the ability to carry out steam and solvent distillations optimizing each stage of the process with the computerized control of numerous electronic sensors, energy recovery and water saving are the basis of the competitiveness of the large Casalvento distillery.

Only in this way essential oils, hydrolates, Hyper Hydro and absolute essences can have a constant quality over time.

Unahom dual trace oscilloscope and Alpha Elettronica power supply for the development of data acquisition cards for the large Casalvento distillery
The design of a distillation plant for essential oils makes use of computer systems: CAD (computer aided design) and CAM (computer aided manufacturing)
Electronic laboratory instruments for measuring the frequency and waveforms of the distillation parameter acquisition cards, hand of an electronic technician while making measurements
Worker with red mask for TIG welding of stainless steel elements of an essential oil distiller
Doctor Lorenzo Domini wearing jeans and a green T-shirt leaning against one of the 3 large copper distillation plants under construction inside a factory

Certification Laboratory:   firstly, the analysis !

The company internal chemistry laboratory offers the possibility to perform spectrophotometry, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, UV analsyis, polarimetry, TLC, aerometry and more to support not only the production certification (Safety Data Sheets, Thechnical Sheets and Certificate of Analysis) but also to fully understand the critical issues of the distillation and production system of essential oils, hydrolates, Hyper Hydro and absolute essences.

Without the analytical confirmation, it would not have been possible to design production plants that are efficient in operation and conduct.

All of our extractors have a virtual soul and fit perfectly to the different essences in transformation; let us be proud of having created them.

Our analysis laboratory certifies the products with the best analysis techniques
The graph represents a gas chromatographic trace made up of peaks of various heights indicative of different molecules present in essential oils, Hyper Hydro and absolutes

Post Production Laboratory:   our new raw materials

Natural and integral essential oils: this distinguishes us from the great industrial production. Real essences for a market that requires functional and active products obtained in the utmost respect for the environment. Before being put on the market, each product is seasoned for several months; at this time its organoleptic properties settle and improve.

Some of our customers have stimulated us to improve the olfactory features, the preservation and effectiveness of the essential oils and hydrolates. This made it necessary to develop elaborate post production processes to meet these particular needs. The scientific vacuum systems (many tailor-made items) that operate under vacuum and at a low temperature allow to transform the original extracts into the new ingredients for perfumery and cosmetics while maintaining the organic characteristics without adding solvents or synthesis products.

Absolute Essences: the original perfume of botany in an extract. Also produced on commission, our laboratory is confronted with the needs of liquorist and perfumers. Extracting these products from roots and seeds, flowers and leaves with the most suitable solvent is a completely different process from the steam distillation of essential oils.

We are proud to be inventors of these new natural ingredients.

Find out more on the SOCIAL NETWORK profiles and the BLOG page.

Separating funnel in transparent glass containing an essential oil of yellow lavender with the face of Lorenzo Domini observing the contents; black background with white writing: copyright Lavanda del Chianti

Olfactory Laboratory:   the fragrance code breaking

Up to the last centuries the scents had as their sole ingredient the natural essences but their high cost and the difficult use prevented the continuation of this practice. The regulations have changed today and synthetic ingredients with low allergen levels are required.

Something of the old tradition, however, has remained and the use of natural products is sometimes irreplaceable, provided they are of high quality, of adequate olfactory quality and stable over time. Their selection and choice are based on the chromatographic and analytical gas footprint.

Trace analysis and knowledge of the best raw materials offered by the specialized industry allow the management of the smell, that is, the creative choice of ingredients for a modern scent.

The formulations of Casalvento are conceived and realized in this artistic and scientific environment. Try our fragrances and you’ll be enchanted.

Natural brown wooden box on glass top of collection of essential oils in glass bottle with white cap, aluminum bottles with white label and laboratory pipettes; white writing copyright Lavanda del Chianti